Dissatisfaction with the unergonomic factory forward cant of the Safariland duty holsters led us to methodically evaluate the optimal fore-aft positioning (cant) of the holster in relation to the Universal Belt Loop and belt.
The Negative Cant Plate (NCP-E and NCP) is a culmination of testing and data-driven innovation designed to enhance the speed and efficiency of the draw from the holster both standing, seated in a vehicle and in non-conventional positions. When used in conjunction with Safariland’s Quick Locking System plate and fork, the NCP is adjustable through approximately 10° (exact range depends on specific holster) of negative cant.
Where an equipment mounting feature is required, the NCP-E is available.
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Consulting & Training For Todays First Responders
We pride ourselves on the highest quality training & consulting in today's ever changing and dangerous world.

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